The Financial Griot

Saving America: Biden's War and the 2024 State of the Union

Episode Summary

Did you tune into the 2024 State of the Union? We did so you don't have to. What's the takeaways? Classic chest-pumping Americana with a load of promises that may or may not come true. Likely not but we can dream. Biden v Trump 2024 is shaping up.

Episode Notes

Did you tune into the 2024 State of the Union? We did so you don't have to. What's the takeaways? Classic chest-pumping Americana with a load of promises that may or may not come true. Likely not but we can dream. Biden v Trump 2024 is shaping up.

According to CNN — 

Biggest takeaways according to NPR:

  1. He took on Trump extensively on a wide range of policies
  2. Reproductive rights are front and center in 2024 campaign
  3. Biden made the case for why his economic policies are working
  4. Border security provoked a GOP response, and blame game
  5. Biden addressed critics on his Mideast policy, stepped up criticism of Israeli leaders

Elements that President Biden needed to address, according to PBS:

  1. The old age question and his vigor for politics
  2. Saving the Middle class in the age of inflation and price of goods increasing
  3. Health care and social security


Wait what's a Financial Griot?

The Financial Griot is a play on two words (Finance + Griot) that hold significance in closing the wealth gap while embracing our differences. We tell the stories that others don't. Stories about growth, opportunity, and even Wars. Beyond that, we tie it back to how it reflects on your finances. Specifically, we are teaching you how to become financially literate, incorporate actionable steps, and ultimately build generational wealth.

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So there you have it, The Financial Griot, or TFG for short. The hosts were able to amass over $2 Million in wealth in about eight years and are on track to retire early. We will gladly share the secrets if you want them since the opportunity is abundant and Win-Win.

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